riga gialla

A trattoria of Italian cuisine, very attentive to product quality and customer care. An intimate space where you can find homemade dishes, from pasta to our desserts.
Here you will find specialties of our incredible Italian cuisine in the center of Bologna!



riga gialla


Soon you will be able to buy our branded products


riga gialla


Gessetto Ristorante has provided training to third parties in public and private courses, the following courses: Food Thinking, Wine: a mystery to study and – How to organize a restaurant and live happily.

We are not the work we do, but we model it on us!


The Marchio Trattoria del tempo buono


Trattoria del tempo buona is an original brand created and registered by Gaetano Lanza and Gabriele Ferri.
The brand is based on a new reading of the catering service and a reinterpretation of the relationship between the operator and the customer. The brand was created to identify the need to create a different “position” in the relationship between the parties, as it happens in effective communication.